Friday, April 16, 2010

Good fences....

Several years ago, at the beginning of the permit process, we had a survey done of our lot. This week, the inspector asked us (or our workers) to show where the property line is. Turns out, this is not where either of our neighbors thought it was. It seems somewhat irrelevant to us, since we are well within the setback, so we won't be building anywhere near the property line. One neighbor threatened to file a complaint with the city if we didn't move our lines. Seriously? I think we have smoothed that over, at least for the time being. Although part of me wants them to file a complaint with the city, because I'm quite interested to see what city department would take their complaint, and what documentation they would use to refute our survey. But it's probably better if it doesn't come to that. It's tempting to go to battle, but it would be hugely counterproductive. I really don't want to end up on Judge Judy.
The other neighbor had no problem with any of it, even though people had to go over the fence onto "his side" to show the property line. He was just worried that his dog would go after anyone on the wrong side of the fence! I think I like this neighbor.

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