Saturday, June 19, 2010

Another Stage

June 18th, 2010

Framing Begins

The framing contractor arrived this week! He's been chomping at the bit to start - waiting for the concrete guys to finish up. For the most part, he can get started without interference. The loader arrived with a supply of joists, rough lumber, and hardware. Thank goodness.

So within two days of starting, the framer managed to lay in the first floor joists and quietly get under way. It's really, really a big morale boost! Of course, he complained about what a mess the concrete subcontractors left!

Meanwhile, the cantilevered concrete deck is being put together - despite the earlier blowout with the concrete boss. I thought perhaps they would "walk off the job," but instead they've managed to stay on the job. I walked over the forms and got a good look from the future deck. That was a pleasure.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Distressed Team Players

The Fourteenth of June, 2010 should be remembered as the day that I finally "lost" it in front of family, my superintendent and especially the president of the concrete company. The previous Friday (prior to the weekend) I received a new change order from the concrete subcontractors that noted additional footing and concrete work. While that might be expected, it wasn't really! Actually it was basically a bill for services not performed - or what I deemed already paid for. The funny, weird thing was that I had just the day before signed a pay voucher for the latest phase of work per the contract. Nobody had mentioned anything "additional" was coming. Nobody had picked up a phone, written an email, or spoken to me about this additional change order. Nobody thought that I would actually question this stupid piece of paper requesting a change order! So - as a result, I did the most natural thing and had a tizzy. And it worked - the concrete chief walked off during our Monday morning bull session after telling me that my feelings didn't matter - and that my importantly - that I could rip up his change order. You betcha. Thanks for not "feeling" bad about it...

In the course of this meeting, not only did my superintendent, Mr. Builder, get accused of not knowing anything, blah blah blah - but the only regular concrete worker, Mr. Skoal, got "rolled under the bus" by his boss for working too slowly...sheesh. And this was directed to the only person who I actually like and trust at their company - despite the spitting and chewing.

So, even though the concrete foundations for the house are done, it's been a downright battle to get them to this point without providing a outright charity to the concrete company.

Also, sorry out there to my structural engineer father-in-law and his designer/architect brother for that display! Thanks for visiting and lending me some support!

Now BACK TO WORK and STOP SNIVELING, you so and so.....Ain't it grand?!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What's Taking So Long?

All these darn forms. Concrete is great - except for the basic fact that it has to be molded into shape. And that means you have to watch the concrete guys working at building wood-framed forms. In some sense, the concrete subcontractors should be be considered framers. Here's a photograph for all to see the craft that went into building the forms. This photo is taken looking northwest at the future deck.

Here's another photo of the forms looking southeast.

And here's the latest - the concrete was poured into place today!