It must be really satisfying to be a framer, because they get things done! In one month they've put up a house! The house looks really different with the roof on. It looks bigger, but we're really happy with it. I have to get another picture without all that construction debris in front (our yard).
In other news, the inspector thought we had built taller than our permit was for, we couldn't convince him that he was measuring from the wrong place, so his supervisor had to come out and confirm that we were building according to the drawings. But somehow that triggered another inspector talking about the "grade plane," and nobody seems to really know what that is. Sr. Juniper is supposing we're going to have to go through and explain to them that we don't actually fall under the steep hillside ordinance. Although that's already been signed off on, it wouldn't be surprising if we have to cross that river again.
Here's what Kid Juniper's room will look like with a ceiling. Well, there will also be walls and paint and carpet.