We finished construction and moved in! And I totally forgot to keep track on the blog. I'm sure I will find more photographs from the intervening months since February!
Here are some photos I took in the last days of rushing to finish before our final building inspection. The walkway at the street entry was done by Merced and his crew. Merced is the guy smiling....

We even installed a street tree - African Sumac. Did the inspector from the city care? Not at all. By the way, that's the new garage door and driveway in the background. And if you look carefully, you will notice that the stucco wall in the foreground to the left is a different color than the building. Just barely,

The interior stairs as finished for the final inspection. Technically, it's acceptable for the code requirements and the city inspector. But we may revisit this and build the railing as originally planned with steel.
Did I mention I had a really nice birthday?